
Below are resources generated by Interior Design Declares - and in 'Useful Links' you will find those created by others.

Interior Design Declares have not verified any of the info displayed and we advise that you carry out your own checks/research before using these suggestions.

If you would like to submit a resource for inclusion, please contact us: [email protected]

Supplier Questionnaire

Interior Design Declares (IDD) are pleased to have created our first sustainability supplier questionnaire for interior designers to use in their project decision making.

The questionnaire is aimed at providing transparency for the manufacturing industry and its supply of interior products. We hope this questionnaire will educate and inspire interior design industry professionals in applying sustainable practices to their work.

We encourage you to ask your key suppliers to complete the questionnaire or simply use it as a prompt when discussing sustainability with suppliers. This questionnaire is a new and evolving document, and we only ask that your suppliers answer the questions to the best of their knowledge.

We recognise that suppliers are at different stages of their sustainability journey, due to size, capacity,etc, and so fully appreciate if companies cannot complete all the questions; any information is valuable.

We understand this can be quite a task for smaller businesses to complete in full. Please make it clear to them that if they are unable to fully answer all questions, any information they can provide will be useful. Transparency and clear communication between designer and supplier are key to the questionnaire’s success.

  1. The questionnaire can be accessed below. Please download the file before editing.
  2. Prior to asking a supplier to complete the questionnaire, you could check platforms such as 2050 Materials. Parsons Healthy Materials Lab's Material Collections or the Cradle to Cradle Directory to see if the supplier information is already available there.
  3. Supporting information We recommend that you read the BIID Sustainable Specifying Guide prior to sending out your first questionnaire to give you an understanding of the questions being asked of suppliers. This guide will also support you in evaluating supplier responses. TIP: If you download this guide, you can use the finder to search keywords.

In the long-term, our aim is that responses will be publicly available on the IDD website, excluding any commercially sensitive information. It is envisaged that this will negate the need for individuals to contact suppliers on a one-to-one basis.

Feedback: We are currently testing this questionnaire and our signatories are helping us to shape it. If you would like to share any responses to the questionnaire or provide any feedback , please do not hesitate to contact us via email [email protected].

We are all on a journey towards reducing our impact on the planet and we look forward to your support in working towards achieving that goal.

Architects Declare Practice Guide 2021

Introduction Video & Audio

On 26th November 2021 Architects Declare held a special online event to introduce our new Practice Guide (see below), featuring a 'walkthrough' of the Guide and a short Question & Answer session:

Architects Declare has developed this Practice Guide to help signatories convert their declaration into meaningful action and build momentum within their practice. Part 1 is a Practice Roadmap that provides 5 simple steps to transform your business. Part 2 is the Project Design Guide, focused on the fundamentals of truly sustainable design and demonstrated through exemplars. It is intended to be a live, working document that helps fulfil the fourth point in our 12-point declaration by encouraging the sharing of knowledge and research on an open-source basis.

For further Architects Declares resources - including videos and conferences - go to https://www.architectsdeclare....

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